HOA HOA HOA - Knitted Sweater Updates

This page will be updated periodically as I receive updates from the manufacturer.

This is an estimated timeline for production - it is subject to change. Orders are expected to start shipping by mid-to-late April. All updates will be posted here with time/date stamps. Any questions? Direct them to soupandsun.helpdesk@gmail.com or Instagram @shopsoupandsun

Pre-order period: Pre-orders will be open for an allotted amount of time before orders are finalized and sent into production.

Production: Production begins can take up to 20-22 working days. 

Shipping to ME: Once the orders are finished by the manufacturer, the garments will be sent to me overseas which can take up to 1-2 weeks. 

Fulfillment: As soon as the items arrive at the Soup and Sun office, garments will undergo quality control and packaging and shipping to customers will begin. This can take an additional 1-2 weeks depending on the volume of orders. 

 February 21: Pre-order begins.